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Focus | BLS 5000 Series

Focus | BLS 5000 series: highest protection without compromise

BLS 5000 series is designed to offer maximum protection without compromising on comfort and usability.


BLS 5000 full face mask is available in two variants: BLS 5000 b-lock with bayonet connection and BLS 5000 Universal with RD40 connection. Both versions are available with thermoplastic or silicone face seal.

The bayonet connection (B-Lock) continues to ensure quick and secure attachment to the mask, with a closing feedback that ensures the correct positioning of the filter. This system not only enhances user convenience but also improves weight distribution on the mask and widens the field of view thanks to the double filter. Regarding the universal connection (Universal), it remains compliant with EN 148-1 standards, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of respiratory protective devices.




The silicone versions of both series are also available with a chemical-resistant cap. Also available in the BLS 5000 series range is the BLS 5400/C model with universal connection, which complements the BLS 5700/C model with bayonet connection.

The hood, the fabric of which is resistant to chemical aggression, covers the head and shoulders and, unlike other hoods, leaves no opening between the mask and the hood. This hood is fixed between the polycarbonate visor and the face seal, eliminating the possibility of user error and the passage of contaminants through the mask seal. The mask harness overlaps with the hood to ensure easy adjustment.




The cap fabric reacts with strong acids: interaction with strong acids can be detected through the change in colour of the cap. Synthetic neoprene rubber has a high tolerance for deterioration due to fats, dilute acids and bases, solutions with oxidising salts, aliphatic hydrocarbons, refrigerants and vegetable oils. The hypalon finish increases abrasion resistance.


BLS 5000 full-face masks have new features in both series that make the protection experience even more effective:



The models made of silicone (BLS 5700, BLS 5700/C, BLS 5400, BLS 5400/C) are available in three different sizes (Small, Medium and Large) to perfectly fit all face types. This allows high levels of user comfort to be achieved, with a mask that fits perfectly to the shape of one's face.

Below is a brief size selection guide:




Also in the silicone versions of both series (BLS 5700, BLS 5700/C, BLS 5400, BLS 5400/C) is a phonic membrane that allows easy voice transmission through the mask. This membrane consists of an aluminium layer within the breathing unit of the device. This allows for easy communication without the need to remove the mask.



Changes have also been made to the face seal, which is now made of a soft thermoplastic material that increases comfort without sacrificing the strength of the component itself. The face seal is easy to maintain and can be disassembled very simply and immediately.




The masks of the Universal series (BLS 5150 - BLS 5400 -BLS 5400/C) are now classified in class 3. Masks in this class offer greater resistance to radiant heat and flame and can be used for fire fighting.

Beyond this the pre-existing characteristics remain present:.


The anti-fogging system, integrated into our masks, continues to be designed to prevent fogging by controlling internal airflow, avoiding the use of surface treatments that could deteriorate over time. The scratch-resistant visor, with optical class 1 (EN 166), offers a distortion-free panoramic view and increased durability over time thanks to the anti-scratch treatment. Lastly, the six-point harness (Komfort) of the BLS 5000 series ensures precise adjustment by evenly distributing pressure on the face, ensuring optimal comfort even during prolonged use.


These consolidated features reflect BLS's commitment to providing high-quality DPI masks that meet the safety and comfort needs of our customers.



The models in this series

Three models are available in the b-lock version:
BLS 5600: thermoplastic rubber face seal
BLS 5700: silicone face seal
BLS 5700/C: silicone face seal and integrated hood.*

Two models are available in the Universal version:
BLS 5150: thermoplastic rubber face seal
BLS 5400: silicone face seal
BLS 5400: silicone face seal and integrated hood.*

The acid-proof hood covers head, shoulders and upper torso preventing contaminant penetration. Resistant to 98.5% sulphuric acid permeation.



The full b-lock series masks are compatible with the BLS 200 series filters, while the Universal series can be used with the BLS 400 series filters.


To find out more watch the video

Log on to the product page BLS 5000 b-lock and BLS 5000 universal to download the datasheets and find all the details you need.


Contact us for more information

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