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September events | What's next

September Events

Check out this month's BLS events.



September 20th-21st | SAFETY EXPO 2023

Now in its sixth edition, Safety Expo is the main event in Italy dedicated to health, safety and quality of life at work.

Located at Fiera di Bergamo, Safety Expo represents the reference event in Italy for health and safety in the workplace and fire prevention: 16,000 m2 of exhibition space, +270 exhibitors, +100 events, +200 speakers, as well as conferences , round tables, training courses, shows and many insights. Furthermore, during the two days of the event it is possible to exchange ideas, useful reflections and creative cues, disseminate new contents and unpublished perspectives and promote the culture of safety.

Opening hours during event dates are 8.45am to 6pm.

To participate in the free event, register online.


Exhibition Area

In over 16,000 m² of innovation, Safety Expo trade fair offers two main exhibition areas: on the one hand occupational safety and on the other fire prevention.

A unique event for the culture of safety.


To find out all the details of this fair and of BLS products, continue to follow us and come and visit us at stand 39-40, in Hall A.


Feel Free To Visit Us


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