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Automechanika 2024

BLS is at Automechanika 2024

Frankfurt (Germany), September 10th - 14th 2024

BLS will be present together with the IPE Group from September 10th to 14th in Frankfurt, Germany, to take part in Automechanika: the event for automotive, industry, workshop and trade professionals

Visit us at stand C31, hall 11.


Itinerario di Francoforte in 3 giorni

The Fair

With some 4,200 exhibitors from around 80 countries, Automechanika is the international trade fair for fittings, parts, accessories, management & services for the automotive industry: a must-attend event for automotive, workshop and trade professionals. No other exhibition embraces the entire automotive aftermarket value chain, making Automechanika the ideal platform for innovation and networking worldwide.

BLS will be present at the exhibition to showcase its products. If you are a professional or an industry user, come and visit us!


Visit the fair in Frankfurt, September Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th from 09:00 to 18:00 and Saturday 14th from 09:00 to 17:00.


To find out more about Automechanika Frankfurt 2024

Respiratory protection is serious business.

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