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FISP 2024

BLS is at FISP Brazil 2024

Sao Paulo (Brazil), October 22nd - 24t 2024

Libus and BLS will participate in the 2024 edition of FISP Brazil. The International Security and Protection Exhibition (FISP) mirrors the development of a sector that expands every year and is characterised by continuous technological innovations.

During the 3-day event, the biggest brands in the sector bring novelties and trends to an extremely select audience, eager for information and knowledge exchange.

Visit us at stand 518A



The Fair

Now in its 24th edition, FISP is the biennial event organised and promoted by Fiera Milano Brasil in collaboration with the Brazilian Association of Distributors and Importers of Safety and Security Equipment and Products at Work(ABRASEG), the Brazilian Association of the Safety Materials Industry and Protection at Work (ANIMASEG) and the Safety Materials Industry Trade Union (SINDISEG).

The event will take place over an area of 42,000 square metres, hosting some 700 exhibitors ready to present the latest innovations in the field of safety and protection at work. Among the solutions on show will be technical clothing, face protection, specialised gloves for various industries, protective footwear, ergonomic belts and protective creams.

FISP will welcome more than 50,000 professionals, including nurses, occupational physicians, safety technicians, engineers, inspectors, prevention managers, fire fighters and company managers.

FISP is the ideal place to learn about the latest innovations in the security and protection sector at national and international level. This is your opportunity to learn about and try out products and services at the largest security and protection event in Latin America.


The event is free for industry professionals, register now


BLS and Libus will be on stand 518A. Come and visit us!

The fair will take place at the São Paulo Expo Exhibition & Convention Center in São Paulo, Brazil, on from October 22nd to 24th, from 1pm to 9pm.


To find out more about FISP 2024

Respiratory protection is serious business.

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