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Focus | BLS SGE46

Focus | BLS SGE46 series: the universal half-mask

The BLS SGE46 series has been designed to universally adapt to all face types while ensuring optimal comfort and fit.


BLS SGE46 reusable silicone half-masks with universal connection lend themselves to flexible use, in combination with EN148-1 connection filters (universal for all respiratory protective devices) they protect against gases/vapours and toxic particulates.

What are the main features?

Attached to the rigid body of the semi-mask on 4 fixing points, it leaves no marks on the user's face.

Standardised threaded connection according to EN 148-1, universal for respiratory protective devices.

Designed for comfort and an optimal fit thanks to its soft silicone material that adapts perfectly to all face types.


Why choose this series?

Compared to filtering masks:
- Easier to put on properly
- Can be used with gas filters

Compared to full-face masks:
- is less invasive, better supports intermittent use


Models compatible with this series

The BLS SGE46 series, available as a single model, is compatible with BLS 400 Universal series filters


Visit the BLS SGE46 product page to download the data sheets and find all the details you need.


Contact us for more information

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