International Day for Safety and Health at Work
April 28th, 2024
The number of sometimes fatal accidents and occupational illnesses remains unacceptably high, and it is a fact that deeply questions us: work should not put at risk the lives or health of the people who perform it. However, statistics remind us that the danger is still present, that behind the numbers there are human stories of suffering and pain.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work, established by the International Labour Organisation in 2003, stands as a beacon of awareness and action. It is an opportunity to renew commitment to worker protection, to lift the veil on the risks present in every sector and to promote safe working practices.
The 2024 brings us new challenges and opportunities in the field of occupational safety.
Technological advancement and digitisation are redefining the way we work, introducing both advanced tools for accident prevention and new risks that require careful and timely management. In this context, it is essential to stay informed and adapt quickly to ensure that innovations lead to real improvements in worker safety.

As a manufacturer of personal protective equipment for respiratory protection, BLS is committed to this mission.
By putting safety at work first, we are always at the forefront of innovative ideas and effective solutions.Our mission is to ensure that every worker has access to high quality protective equipment and safe workplace practices.
Improving safety at work is a collective goal that requires the commitment of all actors involved. For employers, it means providing appropriate training, investing in safe technologies and promoting a corporate culture that puts the safety and health of employees at the centre.
Learn more about safety at work by consulting our safety guide. Inside you will find detailed information on the risks and solutions available, as well as safety factors specific to the various industrial and healthcare sectors.
Stay informed
Stay safe.