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Safety Expo 2024

BLS is at Safety Expo 2024

Bergamo (Italy), September 18th - 19 th 2024

BLS will participate in Safety Expo 2024: the Italian event dedicated to occupational health and safety to be held in Bergamo, Italy, September 18th - 19th.

Visit us, stand 39-40, hall A. 


Cosa vedere a Bergamo: Città Bassa, Alta e dintorni — idealista/news


The Fair

Safety Expo is the free event of reference in Italy for health and safety in the workplace and fire prevention. The aim of the event is to disseminate new content and fresh perspectives to encourage the exchange of ideas, useful reflections and creative ideas, thus strengthening relations and connections between safety and fire prevention professionals from all over Italy.

During Safety Expo there will be accredited training courses in the field of occupational safety and fire prevention dedicated to all professionals in the sector for professional updating on new regulations and technologies in the sector. The trade fair offers these programmes to promote the culture of safety.

BLS will be present at the 7th edition of Safety Expo. Come and visit us!

The event will take place at Fiera Bergamo, September Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th, stand 39-40, hall A.


To find out more about Safety Expo

Respiratory protection is serious business.

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