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BLS & Yamaha Motor Racing partnership

BLS and Yamaha Motor Racing together again!

We are proud to have renewed our partnership with Yamaha Motor Racing and to protect the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP team.

For the second consecutive year, BLS Group will take to the track alongside Yamaha Motor Racing as an official partner.

For the entire 2023 season, in fact, the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP team and Yamaha staff will use BLS 4000next half masks during petrol refuelling.


BLS and Yamaha always at the forefront of safety,
without compromising on quality and comfort.


Inhalation of petrol vapours, and of hydrocarbons in general, can cause coughing, shortness of breath, heartburn and nausea and lead in some cases to what is known as chemical pneumonia, the symptoms of which are also very similar to those of bacterial pneumonia. Prolonged exposure can even lead to neurological damage.

The Yamaha Team, which has always been keen to ensure the best protection for its employees, has chosen the optimum protection to ward off any danger: our BLS 4000next half mask in soft silicone with BLS 214 ABEK1 bayonet filters: These filters not only protect against organic compounds with boiling points >65°C (which includes petrol), but also provide an effective barrier against exposure to inorganic and acidic gases and vapours, ammonia and its derivatives, making them suitable for protection against solvents and acids used for various purposes in the mechanical industry, such as degreasing mechanical parts or industrial cleaning.


BLS 4000next: protection always wins

The reusable half mask for nose and mouth protection, with bayonet connection, can be disassembled and reassembled in less than 1 minute and allows for quick and easy cleaning and maintenance.

It is available in two materials (silicone and thermoplastic rubber) and in two sizes (S/M and M/L) and features the innovative drop-off system, which allows the mask to be lowered and reworn without removing the harness.

Drop-off procedure:

























The B-Lock bayonet connection of the filters is very intuitive and allows quick and secure attachment to the mask. The closing feedback allows the user to know whether the filter has been positioned correctly. The double filter also offers better weight distribution on the mask and a wider field of vision.

The BLS 4000next half mask is compatible with BLS 200 filters series (find out more).

How to connect filters to the mask:









Watch the product video

Find out how to wear this device correctly




Choose the most suitable protection for your needs.
Choose BLS.


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