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"Everyone has the right to a safe job” adv campaign

“Everyone has the right to a safe job”: this is the message of our new adv campaign.

Double the goal: raising awareness of the importance of a stable job, especially in this period of uncertainty caused by the health emergency, but also with regards to the safety and protection of each single worker in the workplace, the main focus of our company.


Created in collaboration with Nicama&Kes agency, the multi-channel campaign has been on air since February with adv pages, contents on social networks and spaces in technical and sector newspapers and magazines. The campaign will also become international, reaching the main European countries, such as: France, with PIC magazine, Spain with Formacion en Seguridad Laboral magazine, Germany, with PPF Magazine, as well as on Health & Safety International Magazine's circuit.

The main players of this communication project, aimed both at operators of this sector as well as end-users, are, above all, our employees, who, thanks to their work, have strengthened and supported the company in these difficult months, most of all since the outbreak of the pandemic in Italy.

This adv campaign has come about, in fact, after a turning point for our company, which, due to Covid-19, has transformed itself from a “niche” company into the focus of the production of essential goods for the protection of everyone’s health.


Find out more in this article.


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