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BLS 2000 launch

New BLS 2000 Universal full face mask

BLS expands its product range with the new BLS 2000 RD40 universal connection full face mask.



Universal connection
The mask, part of the Universal series, features a standard RD40 threaded connection according to
EN 148-1,Universal for respiratory protective devices.


Its facial seal is made of thermoplastic rubber, as is the inner oronasal, with which it forms a single mask body. It also features an anti-fogging system designed to prevent fogging of the mask by controlling the flow of cold and hot air inside the device, thus avoiding easily perishable surface treatments.

The BLS 2000 series also features a double frontal exhalation valve to increase comfort by reducing breathing resistance during use and a phonic membrane to improve communication. The 6-point harness ensures extremely precise adjustment by distributing pressure evenly over the face, contributing to the overall comfort of the mask.



The BLS 2000 full-face mask is also available with a glass visor in the BLS 2150V model.
The visor of the BLS 2150V model is made of glass and is best suited to provide high resistance to chemicals. To ensure maximum protection in use, the tripartite glass is laminated with an anti-fragmentation EVA layer.

In both configurations (polycarbonate and glass), a distortion-free view is guaranteed, providing an excellent field of vision despite the product's compact size.


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