We are specialists in respiratory protection, investing all our energies in the business. We were born in Italy in 1970 and we developed in Spain; today we are one of the largest producers in Europe, and our goal is to become market leaders at international level.
We promote synergies with partners in the industry who share our attention for innovation, for the use of BLS technology, who have implemented a vertical integration of production and distribution processes and believe in absolute transparency.
We don’t compromise on quality, because we know that to breathe is to live.
Protecting people is our core value. Our ethical commitment and our strict compliance of safety rules steer our work in every detail of the production and distribution chain.
We believe that customers should be our constant object of attention, and theirs is the first voice we want to listen to, in order to constantly improve our products.
People are the foundation of our company: ideas and products emanate from their creativity, and their experience constantly advances our know-how.
We offer solutions for respiratory protection for industrial, medical, military and urban environments. We generate innovation by engineering our own production machines. We are a boutique of the fourth industrial revolution based on technological culture, collaboration with universities, production automation and quality of relationships.
We want each of our products to exceed customer expectations: we design and manufacture them according to top safety and ergonomics standards; we want them to be accurate and unique in every detail.
We are a reliable, innovative and enthusiastic partner.
Because doing a great job is the best thing to offer.
Società a Socio Unico
via dei Giovi, 41 - 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
t/f +39 02 39310212 / 66200473
Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy
Registered office
via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
C.C.I.A.A. - R.E.A.: MI 1186898
Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
C.F. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 07822320151
BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
BLS NORTHWEST / Reeweg, 132 3343 AP H.I. Ambacht Rotterdam - The Netherlands
BLS DO BRASIL / Rua Alvarenga Peixoto, 307 05095-010 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil
BLS GERMANY / - Germany
BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France