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Donning Instructions | BLS 500 series

Are you able to wear PPE correctly?

Wearing a PPE correctly is important in order to get the maximum effectiveness and the best performance of the product.


The purpose of individual respiratory protection is to protect the user from toxic or pathogenic airborne substances.

Its use, therefore, should always be preceded by an appropriate training about the correct wearing procedure.


BLS 500 series

We show you below how to wear our BLS 502 and BLS 503 filtering facepieces without valve, ideal for protecting you and the others against solid and/or liquid non-volatile particles (dust, fumes, mists).

The distinctive 'beak' design consists of two horizontal flaps of filtering material, which give the device extreme ease of use due to its flat shape. The breathing resistance of this product is comparable to the one of a surgical mask, making breathing very comfortable. For all non-valved filtering masks, a low level of breathing resistance is a fundamental and non-negligible characteristic, in order to reduce fatigue during the use.

To discover all the features of this series read the article Focus BLS 500.

To get the right protection, just follow a few simple rules.





















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