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BLS medical webinar

Below is the calendar with the appointments of the new webinars in which we will discuss workplace safety in the medical field:

Thursday June 10th, 11am-12pm
Respiratory protection in the medical field: BLS services and regulations

After a brief presentation of the BLS reality, as an Italian company specialized for over 50 years in the production of respiratory protection devices, we will analyze the EN 149 standard regarding filtering facepieces, with the relative practical tests of use, as well as the difference between personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical device (DM).

Speaker: Stefano Zanetti (Business Development Manager Medical Division)

Watch the webinar video:

Thursday June 24th, 11am-12pm
Risks in hospitals and BLS personal protective equipment

After a brief introduction on what the Covid19 pandemic has meant for BLS, a historic Italian company specialized in the production of PPE, the various risks present in the hospital environment will be analyzed and consequently the BLS product range will be presented.

Speaker: Stefano Zanetti (Business Development Manager Medical Division)

Watch the webinar video:

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