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Dangerous substances

Photo by Marco La Pergola on Unsplash

Chemical agents

What are the substances to be protected against?

Dangerous chemical agents can induce more or less serious harmful effects (intoxication, occupational disease, death) on the body affected by their action, depending on the specific chemical-physical and toxicological properties, the way they are used and the dose absorbed.


Effects may be immediate or gradual and may take many years to develop, as in the case of lung diseases. © 1996-2021 International Labour Organization (ILO) 


The absorption phase of a chemical agent corresponds to the passage of the chemical from the external environment to the systemic circulation within an organism and may occur mainly through the respiratory tract, the skin and the gastrointestinal tract. (fig.1)

Fig.1: How are dangerous substances absorbed from the body?


The respiratory tract is one of the primary channels for absorbing chemicals that are hazardous to the body, so it is essential to adequately protect it with the right device.


In particular, the following classes of hazardous substances can be identified for the respiratory tract: dusts, fibres, fumes, vapours, gases, micro-organisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi and spores), aerosols, particulate matter and radioactive gases. (fig.2)



Fig.2: Which chemical agents do we breathe?


Photo by Chris Leboutillier on Unsplash

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