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Expoprotection 2024

BLS is at Expoprotection 2024

Paris (France), November 5th-7th 2024

Expoprotection is one of the leading international trade fairs dedicated to protection and safety in the workplace. From November 5th to 7th 2024, professionals from all over the world will meet in Paris to explore the most innovative solutions in the field of safety and risk prevention. The event offers a unique opportunity for industry leaders, experts, and anyone who cares about improving safety conditions in complex environments to meet and network.

Visit us at stand T036



The Fair

This year, the trade fair will see an emphasis on innovation and sustainability- key themes for companies like BLS that are committed to finding solutions that meet new challenges in the industry. With product exhibits, workshops and conferences, Expoprotection 2024 will provide a platform for showcasing the latest ideas and solutions designed for the well-being and safety of workers. Specifically, this year Expoprotection will bring together 650 exhibitors and 100 speakers.

We are excited to announce that BLS will be exhibiting at Expoprotection 2024. At our stand, visitors will be able to discover the latest innovations in respiratory protection, including intelligent systems and devices designed for maximum safety, comfort and performance.

We look forward to networking and presenting our products that continue to revolutionise the concept of personal security.


We will be present at stand T036. Come and visit us!

The fair will take place from November 5th to 7th 2024, Hall 1 of the Parc des Expositions de la Porte de Versailles (1, Place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris)


Tuesday November 5th: 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday November 6th: 9:30 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday November 7th: 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.



Find out more about Expoprotection 2024


Respiratory protection is serious business.

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BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
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