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Focus | Serie BLS 3000

Full face masks with universal connection

BLS 3000 series full-face masks are available with an EPDM face seal.

The EPDM face seal is FDA-certified for added safety. The main properties of EPDM are its high resistance to heat and environmental influences.

These full face masks are characterised by the high protection factor they provide when used in combination with EN148-1 universal connection filters (BLS 400 series) that protect against gases/vapours and toxic particulates.


Universal connection

Standardised threaded connection according to EN 148-1, universal connection for respiratory protective devices.


Designed to prevent fogging of the mask by controlling the flow of cold and warm air inside the device without easily perishable surface treatments.

Glass visor

It provides high resistance against chemical agents. For maximum protection in use, the glass is tripartite laminated, with an anti-fragmentation EVA layer.


Fixed on 5 attachment points directly to the rigid body of the mask, so as not to deform the face seal and not to leave marks on the user's face.


Accedi alla pagina di prodotto per scaricare le schede tecniche e trovare tutti i dettagli che cerchi. Access the BLS 3000 product page to download the data sheets and find all the details you need.


Discover all BLS product compatibilities

This device is compatible with BLS 400 series filters with universal connection. Read our dedicated article: BLS 400.



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