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Champions in Safety | Final GP 2022

Quartararo vice champion for 2022 season

Sunday, November 6th, 2022, Valencia, Spain


Yesterday's race in Valencia concluded 2022 season of MotoGP championship.

Our rider competing, Fabio Quartararo, was confirmed the vice champion for the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP team with 248 points, second to Francesco Bagnaia for Ducati Team. Yamaha sincerely thanks Quartararo's outstanding commitment to 2022 racing, confirming him as an incredible MotoGP talent.

We proudly remember the 3 victories he achieved at the Portuguese GP, Catalan GP and German GP. With the last victory, Quartararo had built up a 22-point lead in the championship and established himself as the rider to beat. Unfortunately, this lead was then compromised in a succession of difficult passes and crashes in the race.



Coming into Valencia GP 23 points behind, the odds were stacked against the Frenchman to win a second consecutive world title. However, he once again showed 100 percent devotion and made all Yamaha staff and fans around the world proud by fighting to the end. The 2021 MotoGP World Champion secured fourth place in a gutsy race that saw him finish second in the overall standings, with 248 points, 17 points behind first.

"Quartararo may be the 2022 MotoGP Vice Champion", our partners heartily affirm, "but having led the championship for 12 rounds, securing 3 GP wins, and 8 podiums during a challenging and highly competitive season, he is “our number 1” in the eyes of all Yamaha staff".

The general manager of Yamaha Motor Racing would like to conclude his end-of-season remarks this way:

"I want to personally express my sincere thanks to Fabio for his relentless work ethic, his enthusiasm for racing, his positive team spirit, and the joy he brings to MotoGP fans all around the world."



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