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January events | What's next

January Events

Check out this month's BLS events.



January 14th - 16th | Intersec Dubai

We are excited to announce that we will be participating in the next edition of the Intersec Exhibition, which will be held at the Dubai World Trade Centre from 14-16 January 2025. Following the tremendous international response from both visitors and exhibitors who attended the Silver Jubilee event in 2024, which hosted 47,506 trade buyers from 141 countries, including key government leaders, agencies and organisational leaders from all sectors, Intersec is tprned back to Dubai to celebrate its 26th edition.

As the world's leading trade fair for the security and safety sectors, the next edition of Intersec will bring together global security professionals to discuss the latest trends and innovations that are shaping product development and explore new collaborations to stimulate future business potential.

Join us and discover the future of security. It will be an extraordinary opportunity to deepen your professional connections and stay abreast of the latest industry trends.

To learn more about how BLS with its products brings constant innovation in the field of safety and personal respiratory protection, visit us at stand 7E18.

Feel Free To Visit Us



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