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Narvalo Urban Mask

The first IoT anti-smog facemask that communicates with your smartphone.

A new concept of urban mobility with greater attention and awareness on the air we breathe. This is the promise of Narvalo Urban Mask, the FFP3 anti-smog and anti virus facemask that communicates with a dedicated app, monitoring the quality of the air in the environment around us. Made entirely in Italy, the idea of this facemask was conceived at the Polytechnic University of Milan School of Design, developed under the PoliHub Innovation District & Start-up Accelerator’s Switch2Product programme, and realized in collaboration with BLS.

Made with cutting-edge 3D fabric, Narvalo Urban Mask is breathable, washable, water-repellent and tear-resistant, with a sophisticated and trendy design, and extremely high filtering capacity of more than 99% of pollutants, as well as viruses, bacteria, dust and odours, thanks to the active carbon layer. Narvalo facemask is therefore able to protect against air pollution, but also viruses and bacteria, which are transmitted through the air by droplets and aerosol particles, as well as to filter pollen and other particles that cause allergic reactions, increasing breathing comfort.


Narvalo Urban Mask’s exhalation valve is designed to ensure excellent breathability, maximizing air flow while avoiding excessive accumulation of heat and humidity inside. Narvalo Urban Mask’s exhalation valve is designed to ensure excellent breathability, maximizing air flow while avoiding excessive accumulation of heat and humidity inside. Narvalo Urban Mask is also provided with a cap for the closure of the valve that blocks the leakage of droplets even during exhalation, and can easily be removed when not needed, or applied in crowded places or where required by law, guaranteeing protection for ourselves and the others.

Narvalo Urban Mask is the ideal accessory for those who want to move around by bike, scooter or on foot, protecting themselves from the air they breathe, for the benefit of their health, without sacrificing comfort, style and design.

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