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BLS 5000 and BLS 301 P3

BLS 5000 full face mask and BLS 301 P3 pre-filter

BLS introduces a new configuration for the BLS 5000 series full masks and expands its range with the BLS 301 P3 prefilter.



The BLS 5400 single-filter and BLS 5700/BLS 5700/C double-filter silicone full-face masks are now available in a new configuration with the following improvements

- New inner oronasal made of soft TPE, with new, more ergonomic shaping,
more easily removable
- Aluminium phonic membrane, for easier communication
- Availability of three sizes: S, M and L to ensure an optimal fit
to all physiognomies

In addition to these innovations, the BLS 5000 series masks feature a visor (Live Visor) in optical class 1 (EN 166) that provides a panoramic view without optical distortion and an anti-fogging system designed to prevent fogging of the mask by controlling the flow of cold and hot air inside the mask and not by easily perishable surface treatments.

The TPE versions (BLS 5150 and BLS 5600) have been updated with the new oronasal, also in TPE, with the above-mentioned features.

The b-lock masks feature a bayonet connection that is very intuitive and allows quick and secure attachment to the mask. It has a closing feedback that allows the user to tell whether the filter has been positioned correctly. The double filter offers better weight distribution on the mask and a wider field of vision.This version is compatible with BLS 200 Filter and BLS 201 b-lock Filter.

BLS 5000 Universal series masks, on the other hand, have a standard RD40 threaded connection according to EN 148-1, Universal for Respiratory Protective Devices.
The latter are compatible with BLS 400 filters.

To find out more, download the presentation:

Presentation_BLS 5000 full face masks_2023_EN_DEF



Now part of our range, available from stock, is the BLS 301 P3 prefilter to be combined with the BLS 200 series gas filters. A practical and economical solution, which allows the user of gas filters, in the presence of dust, to overlap the dust protection: the possibility of replacing it several times allows the gas filter's service life to be extended.

The BLS 301 P3 prefilter, certified according to EN143:2021, is classified as reusable for more than one work shift.

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