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BLS Zer0 32 Active

Our first IoT mask

BLS's smart filtering facepieces has arrived


Thanks to the marriage of the BLS Zer032 series filtering facepiece and the innovative Narvalo Active Shield exhalation valve, this mask features above-average breathability performance.

BLS Zer0 32 Active series masks offer maximum protection combined with exceptional breathing comfort.

It was a successful meeting that took place between BLS, PoliHub and Narvalo, which enabled the IDEATION, REALISATION and LAUNCH of a transformative technology for the world of masks. We are talking about the birth of Narvalo Active Shield: the innovative air extraction valve for FFP3 masks, which optimises the flow of air inside the mask while maximising comfort during use.


Not just a valve - Narvalo Active Shield

An optimised ventilation system. Thanks to a built-in IoT system, this device ensures constant optimisation of the air flow inside the filtering facepiece, reducing the retention of carbon dioxide, humidity and heat. During use, the user experiences an incredible feeling of freshness, as if no device were being used.



    Narvalo Active Shield is the innovative air extraction valve for FFP3 masks developed by Narvalo, a start-up and spin-off of Politecnico di Milano, with BLS and POLIHUB.
    This smart valve ensures optimal breathing comfort, thanks to an adaptive fan that reduces humidity and extracts CO2 ensuring maximum freshness during use.
    This valve is equipped with a rechargeable lithium battery (800 mAh) that gives the device more than 5 hours of autonomy. The recharging socket is a micro USB located on one side of the product.
    The adaptive ventilation system extracts the CO2 produced during breathing and reduces the moisture accumulated inside the mask. Ventilation is adjusted automatically and it adapts to the user's breathing.


Active Shield valve OFF / Active Shield valve ON



Our top of the range

BLS Zer032 Active + Narvalo Active Shield

The iconic BLS Zer0 range encompasses all our filtering facepieces with maximum protection and minimum breathing resistance.

In 1970, BLS started its manufacturing career with cupped filtering masks. BLS Zer0 for us is more than just a disposable device: it is the Ground Zero from which it all started. An adventure that from a Milan of manufacturers, in the industrial district of Bovisa, has led us to grow in Spain and become one of the largest European manufacturers, with partners and subsidiaries all over the world.

The quality of these filtering masks lies in the high level of protection provided (FFP3) against dust, mists and fumes, which constitute various types of particulates from which it is essential to protect oneself in order to breathe safely.

If inhaled, nanoparticles (between 1 and 100 nanometres in size) can cross cell membranes and reach all internal organs, causing even serious damage, as they are difficult for the human body to dispose of. Protection from these substances is mainly based on two filtration principles
  • mechanical, by means of a filtering material that is able to block their entry;
  • electrostatic, which acts more effectively on smaller particles that are attracted and retained by the material's charge.

The potential value of this product is to allow a better respiratory quality than with an FFP1 filtering facepiece by drastically lowering the respiratory resistance.

Respiratory resistance corresponds to the effort required by the user of a PPE when inhaling and exhaling air. The exhalation valve is essential in order to facilitate the escape of the air accumulated inside the mask, so as not to fatigue the user and to maintain the necessary freshness and comfort.


Other advantages of BLS Zer032 series have also been developed with the mission of maximising user comfort:

    • ADJUSTABLE ELASTICS - BLS pays special attention to the type of elastics used. The effectiveness of filtering facepieces is only guaranteed if their edges adhere perfectly to the face.  If there is a lack of adherence, protection is compromised due to contaminated air entering the device. This is why our elastics are nape-type: by anchoring at two strategically distant points (neck and nape of the neck) they ensure the correct tension between the edges of the device and the face. Not only that. The adjustable elastic bands ensure a perfect fit on all face types.
    • THE EXTERNAL PROTECTIVE LAYER- The innovative micro-net protects the filter material from dirt, dust and liquids, preserving and prolonging its filtering efficiency and reducing mechanical stress, which could tear or damage the material.
    • AVAILABLE WITH ACTIVE CARBON - When the games get tough, as well as from particulates these models protect against acidic, organic and ozone gases or vapours and eliminate unpleasant odours.


Discover all the new features of this new product.



NARVALO was born among the desks of the School of Design of the Milan Polytechnic in 2018, thanks to the vision of the young Dutch-born designer Ewoud Westerduin and the Professor of the Department of Design, Venanzio Arquilla. It subsequently developed over years of research and work into what it is today: a young startup, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano.

POLIHUB, as an incubator of the Politecnico di Milano, made this development possible through the 'Switch to Product' initiative, which accompanied Narvalo to the realisation of the first product prototypes. This Innovation Park & Startup Accelerator managed by the university's foundation is geared towards a model of sustainable progress that seeks value for society and the economy through the Politecnico di Milano ecosystem.

In BLS, we have entered the game as a well-established industrial reality, with the aim of collaborating in the actual realisation of the product, as experts in the field of personal protective equipment for the respiratory tract for more than fifty years.



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