Scopri gli eventi BLS di questo mese
24-27 ottobre
A+A 2023
Düsseldorf, Germania
stand n. 9B32
The new BLS Zer0 Flat filtering face piece, which is also available with the High Efficiency Aeolus® Valve, features a flat three-flap design that allows it to adapt perfectly to all facial movements, ensuring maximum protection and efficiency at all times. The folded bottom flap allows easy opening of the face piece without contaminating the inside.
The device, equipped with a rigid inner core, which provides it with sturdiness and high breathability while maintaining low breathing resistance, is available in two sizes: M/L and S to perfectly fit all face types.
The inner nose clip, placed between the layers of filter material, adapts optimally to the contours of the nose and eyes, guaranteeing very good visibility and maximum compatibility with spectacles.
The elastics are made of durable, high-performance textile material. The addition of a backing layer allows the elastics to adhere to the filter body without the use of exposed metal parts.
The Armor outer protective layer surrounding the filter material protects it from dirt, dust and liquids, as well as from the stress caused by prolonged use. The device performs for a longer period of time.
BLS Zer0 Flat filtering face pieces are packaged in sealed individual bags, to ensure maximum hygiene and make them easy to carry with you, as well as to make them particularly suitable for placement in vending machines.
BLS Zer0 Flat filtering masks allow 99% filtration of nanoparticles. The filter material also has a water vapour transmission ratio (amount of vapour able to pass through it) of 3380 g/m². This value is much higher than that of the vast majority of our competitors. Tests performed according to ASTM E96/E96M.
Scopri gli eventi BLS di questo mese
24-27 ottobre
A+A 2023
Düsseldorf, Germania
stand n. 9B32
BLS e i principali macro trend dell’industria dei DPI Come BLS sta interpretando e sviluppando i principali macro trend dell'industria dei DPI a livello globale. Lo scenario mondiale è cambiato velocemente negli ultimi anni, facendo emergere prepotentemente tendenze ed orientamenti nuovi, molti dei quali permeano la nostra vita quotidiana, ma hanno ricadute importanti anche […]
Scopri gli eventi BLS di questo mese
24-27 ottobre
A+A 2023
Düsseldorf, Germania
stand n. 9B32
Società a Socio Unico
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t/f +39 02 39310212 / 66200473
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Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
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Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
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