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Awarness month

October is Prevention Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness of the impact of this neoplasm.


Throughout Italy, this month is dedicated to cancer prevention and, in particular, breast cancer, which is the most frequently diagnosed neoplastic disease in the entire population and the leading cause of death from cancer in women.

It is also Awareness Month because it emphasises the importance of always protecting individual health.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation wants to emphasise its ongoing commitment to ensuring that every woman has access to the screening she needs and the best possible support. One of their main priorities is to inform women about what they can do to be proactive about breast health.

Prevention and safety are themes dear to BLS, which has been dedicated to protecting everyone's health for over 50 years.

Knowledge and early diagnosis save lives.




What causes cancer to develop?

Every year 55500 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in Italy, establishing itself as the most frequent neoplasm in women in all age groups.

Although there is a continuous increase in the incidence of this disease every year (+0.9 %), the mortality rate dropped by 6 % in 2020 compared to 2015.

Approximately 9 out of 10 women (87 per cent) are alive 5 years after breast cancer diagnosis and 8 out of 10 (80 per cent) are alive 10 years after diagnosis.

"Prevention of breast cancer should start from the age of 20 with annual breast check-ups by a breast specialist, combined with biannual mammography after the age of 50 or ultrasound scanning, but only when necessary, in young women." (AIRC, Oct 22)

In addition, it is possible to work on certain modifiable risk factors such as a particularly sedentary lifestyle, a diet low in fruit and vegetables but high in animal fats, and smoking habits.


What is BRCA?

The name 'BRCA' is an abbreviation for 'BReast CAncer gene'. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are two different genes that have an impact on the likelihood of developing breast cancer.

Every human being possesses both genes BRCA1 and BRCA2. Despite what their name might suggest, the BRCA genes do not cause breast cancer. On the contrary, these genes normally play an important role in preventing breast cancer. They help repair DNA breaks that can lead to cancer and uncontrolled tumour growth. For this reason, BRCA genes are known as tumour suppressor genes.

However, in some people these tumour suppressor genes do not function properly.

When a gene is altered or broken, it does not function properly. This phenomenon is called gene mutation.

There is a lot of misinformation around that results in common myths about breast cancer. Make sure you know the truth behind these common misconceptions.


Resta informato, resta al sicuro.


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