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Donning Instructions | BLS 5000

Are you able to wear PPE correctly?

Wearing a PPE correctly is important in order to get the maximum effectiveness and the best performance of the product.


The purpose of individual respiratory protection is to protect the user from toxic or pathogenic airborne substances.

Its use, therefore, should always be preceded by an appropriate training about the correct wearing procedure.


BLS 5000 series

We show you below how to wear the BLS 5000 series, our full-face mask with bayonet or universal connection. The face seal is available in either thermoplastic rubber or silicone, both DFA-certified for extra safety. The oronasal is made of silicone for better performance and durability. This product series is equipped with anti-fog system to prevent misting inside the mask and a Class 1 (EN 166) visor.

To discover all the features of this series read the article Focus BLS 5000.

To get the right protection, just follow a few simple rules.







































Watch our video.


Keep on protecting yourself with BLS!




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