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Focus | BLS 3000

Focus | BLS 3000: class 3 full-face mask with universal connection

BLS 3000 full-face mask features an FDA-certified EPDM face seal that provides increased safety

BLS 3000 series full-face masks are available with an EPDM face seal. They are characterised by theirhigh protection factor and are compatible with the BLS 400 unified connection filter range, for protection against gases/vapours and toxic particulates.


What are the main features?


BLS 3000 series mask has a standardised threaded connection according to EN148-1, which is universal for respiratory protective devices.


In addition to being soft and comfortable for the user, the EPDM gasket is highly resistant to radiant heat and chemical aggression.



This feature allows the mask to have a high resistance against chemical agents. Furthermore, to ensure maximum protection in use, the glass is tripartite laminated with an anti-fragmentation EVA layer.


BLS 3000 series complies with the requirements of Class 3 and is therefore suitable for special professional use, such as for fire-fighting teams. It is therefore characterised by excellent thermal and flame resistance.


This system is designed to prevent fogging of the mask visor by controlling the flow of cold and hot air inside the mask and not with easily perishable surface treatments.


This harness ensures stable adjustment and the best hold: attached on 5 attachment points directly to the rigid body of the mask, so as not to deform the face seal and not to leave marks on the user's face.


Available models


The BLS 3000 series has only one model: BLS 3150, available in one size.

Why choose this series?

Compared to half masks, full masks provide a much higher Nominal Protection Factor (FPN) and protect the face and eyes from dust, splinters, mechanical shocks and chemicals. In addition, the BLS 3000 series has good resistance to radiant heat and chemical attack and can be used for fire fighting. The 5-point harness makes it stable and quick to remove for easy cleaning.


Compatible products

This device is compatible with BLS 400 series filters with the universal connection.



Visit BLS 3000 product page to download the data sheets and find all the details you need.

Contact us for more information

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