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March events | What's next

March events

Check out BLS events in March


30 March - 01 April


The trade show for Pest Management and Sanitation professionals in Italy, will be held in the city of Bologna. We will be there, so come and visit us in Hall 32, booth n. A27bis. We look forward to seeing you!


This trade fair is the Italian reference point for different sectors concerning the world of sanitation and health and, in particular, it shares with BLS the field of public health and citizens' health in civil and industrial environments, i.e. environmental hygiene. The other exhibition sectors are food safety (companies in the food chain) and the safety of schools, homes, gardens and pets (civil hygiene).

We are delighted to have the opportunity to present BLS products designed for this sector in Italy, as well as the new 2022 catalogue.


We can't wait, can you?

Let's meet in person, it's an opportunity to share growth, development and innovation with all professionals in our industry.


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via dei Giovi, 41 - 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
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via dei Giovi, 41 – 20032 Cormano (MI) - Italia
Capitale Sociale | Share Capital: Euro 600.000,00 i.v.
C.C.I.A.A. - R.E.A.: MI 1186898
Partita IVA | VAT N°: IT12296780153
C.F. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano: 07822320151

BLS IBERIA / Av. Pau Casals, 8 08182 Sant Feliu de Codines Barcelona - Spain
BLS NORTHWEST / Reeweg, 132 3343 AP H.I. Ambacht Rotterdam - The Netherlands
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BLS GERMANY / Steindeich 1a, 25377 Kollmar - Germany
BLS FRANCE / 18 Porte du Grand Lyon 01700 Neyron - France
