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May Events

Check out this month's BLS events.



May 23rd-25th | PRÉVENTICA 2023

For almost 25 years, Préventica has been the national event, as well as the place to meet and inspire, for all those concerned with health, safety and quality of life at work.

Located at Porte de Versailles - hall 3, Préventica is unique in France: 500 exhibitors - 180 conferences - 750 experts - 15,000 expected participants. In addition, during the three-day event you can participate in conferences, round tables and many workshops, which will provide an exceptional opportunity to learn, inform and be inspired on all topics related to health, safety, quality of life and working conditions, as well as an overview of the latest innovations.

Opening hours during the event dates are 9 am to 6 pm on Tuesday 23/05 and Wednesday 24/05, and 9 am to 5 pm on Thursday 25/05.

To participate in the event, please download a free visitor's badge.


Exhibition Area

In over 18,000 m² of innovation, the Préventica trade fair offers two main exhibition areas: on the one hand, equipment and services for risk prevention and, on the other hand, advice and support to improve the quality of life in the company and employee engagement.

A festival of innovations and solutions for overall work performance.


To find out more about this trade fair and BLS products, keep following us and visit us at stand R39.


Feel Free To Visit Us


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